I'm working my butt off over here trying to get ready for this first shop update on Sunday November 15th. I'm hoping that it's only this much work because it's the first and that the next ones will be a little easier and a little quicker.
I'm excited for you all to see what I've been making. There are quite a few prototypes of my sewing because I love playing and expiramenting with different shapes and colours and confirgurations. I'm really having fun trying different hand sewing techniques becuase i love low tech making.
The newest parts for me is figuring out this website! This is definitely not where my skill set lies so I hope that everthing goes smoothly.
I'll be available on Sunday to ensure people get in and out without issue (as much as I can from a distance) so please email me info@thamohurly.ca or message me on IG if any issues comes up!
Happy Shopping!